Mole Clinic
Skin Cancer Prevention


It is important that you take steps to prevent the risk of Skin Cancer, and to detect any new cancer in yourself and/or family members as soon as possible.


Most cases of Skin Cancer are related to sun exposure, especially UVA and UVB Ultraviolet rays.

Simple prevention measures are effective in minimising exposure.

Some examples are:
- Staying out of the sun as much as possible, especially during peak times from 10am to 2pm
- Wearing protective clothing, such as, hats & sunglasses
- Use a good quality sunscreen (SPF 30+, broad spectrum & preferably containing zinc)

Regular checks at home

If a mole or spot changes in any way (size, shape, colour, etc) this may be a sign of Skin Cancer.  Similarly, a mole that appears out of the blue itches or bleeds.

Be sure to check your entire body for any significant changes once a month.
If any changes occur or there are any concerns, please ensure to book in for a check up as soon as possible.

Regular Clinic Checks

It is recommended that you have a full skin check annually.  Higher risk patients will need to be checked more regularly.  The Skin and Mole Clinic will remind patients when they are due to come back for their check up.

Remember - Skin Cancer is one of the few cancers that can be detected before it’s too late.

A skin check can save your life

For more information please call us on (08) 9301 1825